
Mind Links

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Literature Text

Kaze sat on a plane on her way to Japan lost in her own thought, “Melody I wish I could help you. Why were you kissing Suzie? What has happened to you? Just went we were getting to be friends and I thought we were getting close. I have to figure out a way to save her.” Kaze looked out the window of the plane.

Suddenly she felt a feeling of ecstasy wash over her along with an undeniable mental presence. “Melody,” Kaze said out loud and the people start looking at her. “Um sorry dreaming,” she muttered. “Melody,” Kaze asked in her mind. “Where are you?”

“Kaze?” Melody said sounding confused.

“I hear you but where are you,” replied Kaze.

“I am in Mythos,” Melody told Kaze and then paused. “Sorry I must rid myself of company.”

“I miss you so much. I did not want to hurt you back there. What happen? How are we talking like this?” Kaze asked wishing she could put her arms around Melody.

“How are we experiencing telepathy?” Melody thought. “Morgana, could she have spike the magicks?”

“I thought you could move things with your mind I didn't you could get inside people’s minds.” Kaze paused, “Does she know you are talking with me? I’m sorry I couldn't save you but I will not give up.”

“No she gave me more of the special magic and sent me to bed with two of her servants,” Melody informed Kaze. “We were climaxing when I heard you,” Melody said nonchalantly.

“Sent you to bed?” Kaze blushes and sputters out loud.

“Yes,” Melody answered with a sigh.

“You had sex,” Kaze face is turned bright red as she sent her thoughts to Melody, “Um, guy or girl?”

“Yes,” Melody answered. “Both.”

“Ow,” Kaze yelled mentally and aloud.”

“She gives me the ability to feel love. The passions are incredible, I can't give it up. I'm sorry, Kaze,” Melody’s voice sounded in her mind.

Kaze rubbed the side of her head and glared at the wall of the plane. “Sorry I hit my head on the side of plane wall. It’s not real.”

“I know,” Melody agreed.

“Melody,” Kaze thought, “Real love will make you feel all that and more.”

“But i can't feel love,” Melody looked at Kaze. “You were right. There was something wrong with me. My family is cursed never to feel love.

“Please,” Kaze pleaded, “I wish you would have let me helped you try to feel love.”

“It's the price of the magic,” Melody said her voice almost breaking.

“Curses can always be broken,” Kaze tried to assure her friend.

“I didn't know anything was wrong,” Melody confessed.

“If you will let me help,” Kaze continued to plead with evil Melody. “We are friends right? Friends help each other.”

“Yes,” Melody agreed, “but i can't stop. The magick lets me feel what they feel. Bryce was having sex around school and I could feel his love for his bed mates.”

Kaze looked down at her hands and then back to staring out the window. “I still like Kaya but I realized I started falling for you. Now that Kaya has seen me as a dragon and you are gone. I don't know what to do.”

“Suzie wants to help me too,” Melody stated.

Kaze would not give up on her friend. “I don't know what I can do but I will find away. I am on my way home to Japan right now to talk with Grandmother.”

“You should come to Mythos,” Melody tried to persuade her. “You could share the magick passion. You would know why I can't stop.”

Kaze blushed and nervously looked around the plane and then quickly back out the window. “I want to share things with you but not that way. We will break the curse and if you still want to feel the passion with me then we can talk. Are you okay? Are you hurt?

“No,” Melody said quickly.

“No to which question,” Kaze mentally asked as her heart rate quickened as panic filled her as she was concerned about her friends safety.

“I don't know how to come back,” Melody stated almost emotionally.

“Find Mother Goose,” Kaze simply thought. “She should still be there. She could send you home.”

“I can get back from Mythos but I don't know how to come back to myself,” Melody shot back.

Kaze tried to find a way to give Melody hope. “Some myths and fairytales say that a kiss has redemptive powers.”

Kaze could sense Melody shrug. “But have kissed plenty in my explorations.”

“Not just any kiss,” Kaze quickly added, “but a kiss from someone who truly loves the person who is under an enchantment.”

“But Suzie said she loves me and I kissed her.” Melody sounded confused trying to understand love.

Kaze blushes. “Even though you were trying to kill us I wanted to tell you that your wings looked beautiful. Suzie cares for you as a friend and wanted to help her friend.”

“Yes, they turned black, I'm not really sure why,” Melody told Kaze sounding deep in thought. “But Suzie said she loves me.”

“I don't think she was expecting you to kiss her,” Kaze said quickly wanting to change to subject. “She seemed shocked by it.”

“But she enjoyed,” Melody insisted. “I sometimes can feel more when she gives me the love magicks. That's how I know what Bryce feels.”

Kaze sighed and felt as if she might cry. “I don't know what Suzie feels. I do know that I was really starting to fall for you. It hurt to see you kissing Suzie. Then Kaya started to come near me and I was still in dragon form. I ran away and caught the first plane to Japan.”

“Why,” Melody simply asked before moving on to another thought. “I wish to try something with this link we seem to have formed.”

“Why what,” Kaze asked back confused as to what Melody was asking why about.

A surge of power and magicks rush out of Melody and into Kaze’s mind. “I will bring your mind here and you can truly tell me why you wish to go home.”

“Aahhhh,” Kaze yelled aloud and slumped in her seat in the plane. In her mind Kaze felt herself spinning. “I feel I have to talk to Grandmother. Things have been so weird and now you have been taken away.” There’s a whirling and rushing of wind surrounding Kaze’s mind. “What is happening?” Kaze opens her eyes and finds herself in a castle room with an elegant and very large four poster bed covered in black large cushions and black rumpled satin sheets. Melody appears into the room wearing a black silk kimono bathrobe and Kaze starts to run toward her. “Wait,” Kaze pauses, “I thought I was on a plane to Japan.”

“I have recreated my suite in our minds so we can actually talk to each other,” Melody tells her standing tall and powerful commanding the room.

Kaze blushes. “You look, um, nice.”

“Suzie gave me the idea.” Melody gestured to the room. “When our minds touched we had almost a physical presence.” Melody looks down at herself. “Oh, sorry I didn't think to imagine different clothes.”

“No its okay,” Kaze stammered. “I bet you would look amazing in a real kimono.”

“This was what I threw on after the sex earlier,” Melody shrugged as if her having sex was nothing unusual.

Kaze slowly goes up to Melody and pokes her in the arm trying to see if she can touch her. A black wind rushes around Melody and her robe becomes a long flowing black dress, very medieval. “Does this make you more comfortable?”

“Either way you are beautiful.” Realizing she could touch her friend Kaze threw her arms around her as a tear ran down her cheek.

“Thank you,” Melody whispered.

“I will find a way to get you out of here,” Kaze promised.

“You are a good friend.”

“And so you are,” Kaze smiles resting her chin on Melody’s shoulder.

“I don't know how long I can talk but I usually sleep a lot after she gives me the magick and she will think that I am asleep,” hugging Kaze back. Kaze pulls back from the hug and their faces are close together. “So this is almost a dream,” Melody smiles at Kaze. Kaze smiles back at Melody and notices their faces are really close to each other. “Would you like to learn some of the things I have learned for when you are with Kaya?” When Kaze didn’t answer right away Melody added, “Friends help friends.”

Kaze starts stuttering. “Is this all the same to you?” Melody delicately kisses Kaze on the lips and Kaze returns Melody's kiss.

“I am learning and wish to share with my friends. Is that wrong,” Melody ask innocently. “I feel love but it's not real I know but I still don't understand it. Maybe I can somehow break the curse on my own.”

“I can show you real love if you let me,” Kaze said wanting to help Melody but also saying to her as more than a friend.

“But i can't feel it!” Melody cried and releases Kaze, flinging herself on the bed sobbing.

Kaze lay down beside Melody and starts rubbing her back and then gently and slowly dragging her nails along Melody's back. “Please don't cry,” Kaze whispered.

“What am I becoming?” Melody sobbed. “I can't seem to stop it!” Kaze started to run her fingers through Melody's hair. Melody sits up suddenly beside Kaze who is still lying on the bed.

“What,” Kaze asked quickly.

“I have become evil,” Melody sobbed again. “That’s why my wings are black!”

Kaze sits up and with a smile picks up a feather. “This one is white.”

Tears roll down Melody face and her back explodes in black feathers as her wings form again, “One out of all these!” She pulls her wings around her like a cape as she stands up.

“If you weren't under Morgana’s control I know you would not have tried to hurt me.” Kaze paused, “Or any of us. One white feather is a start. If we can turn one of your feathers white maybe we can turn the rest. Maybe the key to beating her is you have to be careful. You can't just completely stop the magicks, but you can't keep doing dark spells either.”

“But I need the magick, I can't give up the love!” Melody cried throwing her hands up. “Not now that I've felt even the smallest taste of the real thing!”

“I care for you! Kaze flings herself on Melody kissing her trying to will Melody to feel passion and real love.

“I can't even feel that even a little bit without the magicks.” Melody said sounding defeated. “I like you and all but i can't feel anything more than that. I never will!”

Like Melody tears are now running down Kaze's cheeks as she slowly spoke. “Curses can be broken. This curse will be broken.”

“Now I know why Gen and Angelica never married! I wonder if they even knew,” Melody almost whispered.

Kaze wraps her arms around Melody as they both cry. “Together,” Kaze slowly reassures Melody, “we will find away. Even if you don't feel the same toward me I will make it so you can feel love without the magicks.” Kaze whispered the last part.

Melody sighed. “I can make love but i can't feel love.” Melody stands up and walks over to a table with a vase filled with crimson roses. Melody starts touching the roses and as she does so they slowly turn black. “I blacken everything I touch.”

Kaze blushes when Melody said make love because she has thought about them together before. “This place is killing you. You have to get out of here and back home.” Kaze holds up her hands and arms, “you didn't blacken me.

“I haven't touched you.” Melody smiles a crooked grin.

“You touched me when you kissed me.” Melody crooks her finger and Kaze floats over to her and touches Kaze’s robes causing black flames appear in the fabric and seem to lick up the robes as it turns black.

“I don't care,” Kaze instead. “You can turn all my clothes black but I will still try to find a way to break your curse and the hold she has on you even if it kills me.” Kaze doesn't notice right away the fabric flames grow, and her dress starts to turn to ash. “How can I like both Kaya and you at the same time?”

“I’m told there are many love multiple people. I have made love to multiple people.” Melody turns back to the roses and waves her hand and they exploded into petals and floated to the floor as the table faded away.

“Kaya was my first but I have feelings for you too that is more than a deep friendship at first I thought I was trying to like you to get over Kaya being so far away from her and maybe I was but really fell for you. So that is your way of dealing with things now. You can't deal so you just blow things up and turn things to ash.” Kaze holds up her miko robes.

“You can't understand!” Melody yelled.

“There is still a little part of you in there. If there wasn't you would have already had your way with me and your excuse would be it was so I can do new things when I am with Kaya. Then make me understand Let me understand. Help me help you beat this.”

“This love you feel,” Melody turns around, “for me. Does it make my nudity better for you?” Her clothes ripple off her body like black ribbons; her wings are draped around her body covering her.

“I don't mind........” Kaze's words stop in her throat and she just stares at Melody not expecting her to do that.

“Does it make you want to touch me?” Melody asked looking at her former roommate as Kaze tries not to blush. “I can feel lust and I have certainly enjoyed it.  Is love and lust similar?”

“What I was trying to say is I don't mind seeing you nude but you should be so free with it people will get the wrong idea Love and lust have a same physical outcome at times but they are two different things.”

“That is what Tony said,” Melody frowned.

“Love is so much deeper.”

“I have felt some very deep passions. How can you understand lust and love if you have never made love?”

“Kaya and I have once. Just kind of happened,” Tried to explain.

“Hmm,” Melody turned back to the rose petals on the floor waved her hand and with a very pained expression changed them white and the wind created a small cyclone.

“You booty beautiful,” Kaze stammered.

“It is much harder to change them back,” Melody said with a pained look on her face.

“I mean body booty. Damn it! Do you have to walk around so freely? Even evil,” Kaze looked at Melody admiring her body yet trying not to.

“I thought you did not care,” Melody said with an evil grin loving that she was torturing Kaze like she was. “I thought you enjoyed this.” Melody’s wings fluttered around her still covering her body.

“Are you trying to make me sound like a horny teenage boy like Tony?” Kaze walks up to Melody. “Your wings are so beautiful,” Kaze reaches out to try and touch them.

“Boys and girls really are much the same,” Melody shrugged. “Everyone lusts.”

As Melody looks at the flower petals on the floor Kaze walks back over to Melody’s bed. Then suddenly there is a whoosh and Melody is hit with a pillow.

“What the,” Melody quickly turned around eyes flashing. Kaze throws another pillow but it stops in the air behind Melody's head.

“It’s no fun if you cheat,” Kaze pouted. The pillow morphs into a large white lily and flows back to Kaze. Kaze delicately catches the flower. “Beautiful. Look,” Kaze points down to the floor.

Melody turns around, looks down and beside her feet is a white feather. “Well, I guess change can happen.”

“We can beat the hold she has on you.”  Kaze runs back to Melody and throws her arms around her.

The rose petals behind Melody turn back red and the cyclone goes to the bed and then stops showering the bed with petals. Kaze looks at the bed and then looks at Melody. “This room may be decorated by evil incorporated but has certain sexiness to it.”

“There are times that I do miss the trees and flowers.”

“The trees and flowers miss you too.”

“Yes, she wants my suite to be somewhere I could explore love with the magicks,” Melody replied.

“I swear I heard the Earth cry during the battle earlier,” Kaze pulls Melody by the hand as they are sitting on the bed. “Were you this dependent on magicks when we first met?”

“No,” she replied, “but it has always been a part of me.”

Kaze finds a brush near Melody's bed and gets behind her and starts to brush Melody's hair. “Do you remember how things felt before things changed?” Kaze stopped in mid stroke.” Melody, what did change? What happened? I noticed you were different back in Mythos when we were on the ship but then we got separated.”

“I changed.” M

“Well thank you Miss Obvious,” Kaze said sarcastically.

“How does this make you feel?” Melody runs her finger up the inside of Kaze's knee causing the fabric there to turn to ash.

“Umm,” Kaze’s heart quickened as she tried to find the words.

“How would you feel if Kaya did the same?” Suddenly Kaya, or what looked like Kaya, appeared on Kaze other side and stroked her other bare leg.

“Similar but that is because I care about you both so deeply,” Kaze paused. “Kaya,” Kaze whispered longingly and looking at the other girl. Kaze leaned into kiss Kaya but shook her head. “No,” Kaze tried to push Kaya a way, “This is not real. Kaya is not really here.”

“So, you miss her.”

“She does not even want to be with me anymore, I saw the horrified look in her eyes when she saw me in my dragon form.” Kaya kisses Kaze deeply

“You don't know that,” Melody told her.

For a moment Kaze loses herself and begins to kiss Kaya back remembering and just wanting to feel her lips again. Melody kisses Kaze's bares shoulder and the rest of her clothes evaporate.

Kaze lets out a sigh of pleasure, “Kaya.”

“See your body is responding,” Melody smiled.

“I wish so much this was real,” Kaze mumbled.

“It could be,” Melody pushed.

“To have you both, maybe, but here it is not real,” Kaze told Melody. “Then why does it feel so real? Why can I feel both you and her?”

“Because it is in our minds and I can create anything here.”

“Melody,” Kaze moaned.

“Just because it is not real does not make you want it any less,” Melody stops kissing her shoulder and moves out of the way as Kaya gently pushes Kaze back onto the bed.

“You have to fight how the magicks make you feel,” A tear ran down Kaze's cheek as she kissed Kaya again.

“No,” Melody whispered. “This is the only way you will understand.”

“This is not real and you are not real,” Kaze said to the girl who looked like Kaya.

“I am real for you Kaze. You want me. You think you cannot have me again but here you can enjoy me, Kaze.” Kaya began to kiss down Kaze's body while rose petals started raining from the canopy of the bed.

“Melody please make Kaya go away, seeing her like this hurts too much,” Kaze begged.

“Why do you want this? I can feel how much you want it?” Melody said watching Kaze and Kaya.

“Yes but not this way,” Kaze pleaded.

“You burn with the desire to have her,” Melody purred.

“Yes but I want the other person to also want me as much as I want her,” Kaze explain.

“She does want you, can't you tell?” Melody said as Kaya began kissing below Kaze's belly button while Melody sat watching, “I can see how much you want her Kaze, give into the passion.” Kaze takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Melody raises one wing and lightly brushes it on Kaze and Kaya's bodies.

Kaze pushes the Kaya clone away from her and grabs Melody's shoulders, “You have to fight this! I know you can. You reached out to me for help so let me help you.

“There is nothing to fight. This is the only way to show you,” Melody explained emotionless.

“Show me what? Show me that you are so evil that you can mind rape your best friend? I don't believe you. You have shown me things that make me believe the good Melody is still in there.” Kaze yelled.

“No,” Melody yelled back. “This is the only way to show you what I can't feel! If you knew for sure that Kaya would never be with you again, would you really turn away one last chance to be with her?”

“Yes,” Kaze stood firm in her answer. “This,” Kaze gestured to the girl who looked like Kaya on the bed. “She is not Kaya. She may look like Kaya but her touch is not the same. Also I would not force Kaya to be with me if she did not want to be. I can't believe you didn't feel something that night I kissed you in our room. I know you say you can't feel love but you had to have felt something.”

“And yet I feel nothing!” Melody yelled with frustration. “With the magick I can have something of love but it's not real. I can't miss what I have never felt but this magick lets me see other's love and feel part of it. I don't even know if I could have discovered lust without it. Would I ever have wanted sex?”

Kaze moves her mouth closer to Melody. “At least let me kiss you.”

“I know now that it was possible but without love lust can be harder sometimes,” Melody reaches behind Kaze and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss which

Kaze returns the kiss as the Kaya clone disappears. Is this what you really want? Is that why you didn't want Kaya?”

“I want to be with someone who wants me for me I am no matter what I look like. You have seen me in my dragon form and don't care. You know there is magick in the world,” Kaze told her.

“But I am no more real than Kaya was,” Melody informed Kaze.

“This is a meeting of my mind and yours. It is real.”

“I can pretend,” Melody began, “and do things to make you scream but it means nothing to me.”

“When we both wake up,” Kaze continued trying to persuade Melody to see there was a reason to fight. “What if I found a way to break the curse and you could feel love? Would you then leave the dark magicks behind?”

“You speak of the impossible,” Melody insisted.

“Nothing is impossible if you believe,” Kaze countered. “A very good friend once told me that.”

“Morgana said the curse has been in my family for hundreds of years and no one has broken it,” Melody said sadly.

“No one in your family has probably tried to break the curse if they didn’t know it existed. Morgana tells you truths but they are only half truths. She does not want to let you go,” Kaze explained.

“They knew,” Melody replied, “but according to Morgana I was not to be told until I turned 16 years of age.”

“You are a powerful witch,” Kaze continued.

“Yes,” Melody agreed. “Yes I am.”

Kaze continued to try and make Melody see there was still hope. “But you said yourself you are not even sure if your aunts knew about the curse. So how can you be sure others in your family knew? You can't believe what Morgana is telling you.”

“And I should believe you?” Melody countered.

“Yes,” Kaze insisted. “I am your friend. You may not be able to feel love but you know we are friends.”

“Morgana is the only one who understands,” Melody insisted. “You won't even let me help you understand.”

“I do understand.”

“No you don't.” Melody shook her head.

“You don't know how much I wanted to be with her but I knew it was not her,” Kaze sighed with sadness in her eyes. “Whatever I did with that girl that looked like Kaya would not have been real. I would have only felt things physically but it would not have been love.”

“But you would have still felt it.”

“If I am going to feel it that way it might as well be with myself.” Kaze slides her hand over Melody's feathers and red rose petals begin to fall again on the silk sheets.

“I could fly,” Melody said thinking a loud. “It is interesting when I fly.” Kaze sits up and runs her fingers through Melody's hair pulling her into another kiss. “Now I will teach you to fly.” Melody pulls Kaze up off the bed and magically Kaze sprouts dragon wings from her shoulder blades.

“Only if I could do that in real life,” Kaze exclaimed feeling her dragon wings form and push through her flesh on her back. “Maybe I can since I had my claws in human form.” Kaze trailed off as she got distracted for a bit with her wings and started trying to make them move. “This is cool. I mean to have wings and not be completely in dragon form.”

“Let us fly!” Melody yelled with excitement grabbing Kaze’s hand.

“To where,” Kaze asked but Melody takes off with a dramatic flap of her wings and magically the canopy is gone and the ceiling is visible and a huge skylight is open right above the bed. Kaze follows and starts going in circles around Melody. “This is fun! “Weeeee,” Kaze does a few loops and stops on her back like she was floating. “Hey look I can fly upside down.”

Melody laughs at her antics. “Kaze!”

“Hey I finally got you to smile. Like you used to,” Kaze beamed. “So what now?”

“That is up to you.”

“How do you think we are going to do anything up here?”

“It's just a matter of matching wing strokes,” Melody began to frown. “During a long dive many things can happen,” explained Melody.

“You are frowning. What’s wrong?” Kaze asked concerned. “Do you no longer want to fly with me?”

“I felt your joy in flying,” Melody simply answered. “Really felt it.”

“That is good right?” Kaze smiled. “No magicks but you felt it.” Melody only sighed and began to fly higher “Wait for me!”

“I don't need the magic to feel strong emotions,” Melody said as they flew.

“I will come with you.” Kaze quickly flapped her wings to catch up with Melody.

“I am not a telepath but I am an empath,” Melody stated.

“I love flying! This is why I like my dragon form.” Kaze paused. “Well it’s one of the reasons how I learned to like my dragon form.”

“But I still can't feel love real even vicariously,” Melody continued. Kaze comes to hover in front of Melody and kisses her. “All I feel is hope from you.”

“Hope that I can save you,” Kaze kisses Melody again. “Show me why you like flying so much.”

“I can feel the lust and passion but no love,” Melody kept talking and it was not clear if she was actually talking to Kaze or just thinking out loud.

“It’s easy to see the surface,” Kaze explained. “You really have to look to figure out the lust from the love but the love will last longer lust quickly fades.”

“The only glimpses that I get through the magick can only be described as warmth, but it's hard to describe. I can't understand it.  I thought you didn't want the magicks?”

“Let’s try it without the magicks if there is still nothing then you can use the magicks,” Kaze suggested.

“Okay,” Melody pulled Kaze up by the hand as they flew higher. “We must go higher.”

“Is it better high up?” Kaze asked confused.

“It is safer,” Melody grinned.

“Safer?” Kaze wondered.

“We have to free fall a little,” Melody though.

“Oh,” Kaze slowly replied as she thought about it.

“We have to bring our wings in tight while we position.” Once they got high enough Melody flew so that she was facing Kaze. “On my mark you will dive backwards and only stop the dive when I say so. Do you understand?”

Kaze shook her head, “Not really but I will try.”

“I will do the rest,” Melody assured her former roommate. “Ready?”

“Okay,” Kaze took a deep breath.

“Go!” Melody grinned.

Kaze dove backwards while Melody dove after her. Melody folded her black wings in tight to her back she zoomed to Kaze. As Kaze’s dragon wings tucked behind her so Melody was able to get in close with an occasionally flap. Finally Melody was close enough to wrap her arms Kaze. “Slowly open your wings,” Melody whispered.

Kaze slowly opens her purple dragon wings as she is on her back in the sky.

“Now we ride the thermal air current I saw earlier,” Melody smiled. “It’s amazing.”

“You saw an air current?” Kaze wondered. “How can you see air currents?” Kaze shrugged. “Okay.”

At the same time Melody's velvet wings opened and they glided across the sky. Melody wrapped her arms and legs tight around Kaze and then suddenly her wings were back out catching their descent. Kaze clung to Melody kissing her passionately as they fell back toward Melody’s black canopy bed. They landed with a soft thump as they fell back through the skylight and onto the satin sheets.

“Anything,” Kaze hoped.

“It was pleasurable,” Melody shrugged.

Kaze sighed and shook her head at her friend. “I will find a way to break this curse. I know there is away. We did get some of your feather to turn white.” Kaze picked a few white feathers off the bed and showed Melody. “That is a start.” As Kaze said this several white feathers drifted down from above. Melody let out a long sigh and Kaze laughed. “See! Yes I know still many more feathers are black but like I said it is a start.”

“I must get a message to my aunts, they will be disappointed. You should return to your body, this could be very draining on our bodies.” Kaze could hear that Melody still care for her friend.

Kaze smiled know there was hope somewhere in the future. “If you were completely evil you wouldn't care who thought what. I know your aunts can help me save you and break the curse even if they don't know it. Know that you can always talk to me,” was the last thing Kaze told Melody before she was violently ripped from her friend’s mind by Morgana. “Find me if you need me.”

Kaze awoke and banged her head on the side of the plane again. “Ow,” she said rubbing her head. Then she noticed the passengers were staring at her. “Sorry,” she told everyone again.

Then a flight attendant at up to her with a pillow and said, “Since you keep hitting your head you might want to put this against the wall.”

</p>Kaze took the pillow and shoved it over her face so she would not have to look at everyone else in the plane.

Written between :iconwildkitty317: and I :icondavisjes: as our characters Kaze and Melody for our Buffy RPG game

Kaze's Backstory: [link]
Kaze & Melody Meet: [link]
Kaze & Melody Second Talk part 01: [link]
Kaze & Melody Second Talk part 02: [link]

Kaze :icondavisjes:
Melody :iconwildkitty317:
© 2011 - 2024 DavisJes
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