
ChibiUsa and Hotaru part I

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ChibiUsa had come back from the 30th Century to train as a Senshi. Today her, Usagi and Mamoru were spending the day in the park. At the moment she was chasing her hat which in her mind the wind was trying to steal from her because as soon as she would get close to her hat the wind would carry it away again.

“Come back,” ChibiUsa yelled to her hat. “I got you now,” she mumbled as her hat landed on the side walk. As ChibiUsa got closer someone walked up and bent down to pick up her hat. “Um,” she began, “that is my hat. Could I please have it back?”

“Here you go,” a young girl a few years older than ChibiUsa said handing her back her hat.

“Thanks,” ChibiUsa bowed to the dark haired girl dressed in purple and black. “I am Tsukino Usagi but people call me ChibiUsa since my big cousin is also named. Tsukino Usagi.”

“Tomoe Hotaru,” the girl said with a sad smile before she clutched her best and collapsed to the ground.

“Hotaru,” yelled ChibiUsa dropping beside the girl.

“I will be okay,” Hotaru said softly. “I have a weak body and have been sick since I was younger.”

“I hope we can still be friends,” ChibiUsa said unsure.

“Why would you want to be my friend?” Hotaru asked. “You do not know me.”

“I did not know any of my friends prior to meeting them,” ChibiUsa responded and then mentally slapped her for speaking like a princess and not like a normal little girl. “Why am I trapped in this body back in this time?” she wondered.

“Sure,” Hotaru replied hesitantly. “I hope my weird powers don’t show around her,” she thought.

“Hotaru,” a woman with long red hair and a tight red dress called.

“Is that your mother?” asked ChibiUsa.

Hotaru shook her head. “My father’s assistant,” Hotaru replied with what sounded like contempt to ChibiUsa.

“Come on Hotaru,” the woman said. “Your father is worried about you.”

“Wow,” ChibiUsa thought. “She is beautiful but her eyes are cold.”
“You had one of your episodes,” the woman asked uncaring. Hotaru nodded. “This would not happen if you stayed home where your father could watch you.” The woman grabbed her hand and made her stand. “Can you stand?” she asked and began walking away without waiting for an answer.

Hotaru jerked her hand from the woman’s grasp. “I can walk by myself.” The next sentence she said low hoping ChibiUsa would not hear her. “I told you not to touch me.”

“Bye Hotaru,” ChibiUsa said seeing Usagi and Mamoru in the opposite direction. “I hope we meet again.”

“Me too,” Hotaru thought as she watched ChibiUsa run to who she assumed were ChibiUsa’s parents, “they look so young.”

                                      *        *        *        *

Once they got back to the house the woman shut the door and turned on Hotaru. “Don’t you ever speak to me like that again,” she pushed Hotaru up again the wall.

“I said don’t touch me,” Hotaru said in a low gravelly voice as her eyes flashed purple and she was surrounded by a purple aura. Hotaru looked at the woman and her eyes flashed. In the next instant the red haired woman was flung across the hall and into the wall. Hotaru’s eyes went back to normal and she walked off to her room.

                                      *        *        *        *

ChibiUsa and Usagi, to her annoyance had to tag along, walked toward Hotaru’s house. “How do you know we are going the right way?” asked Usagi.

“I ran into Hotaru again at the park the other day and she asked me to come over,” ChibiUsa told her.

“She must like Hotaru’s brother,” Usagi thought with a goofy grin, “as excited as she seems to be going to her house.”

ChibiUsa knocked on the door only to find the red haired woman answered the door instead of Hotaru.

Usagi immediately jumped. “Kaolinite,” she screamed in her head.

“What is your problem Odango?” ChibiUsa whispered.

“Kaolinite,” Usagi whispered after the woman had left.

“I knew I did not like her,” ChibiUsa thought.

“I am glad you could come,” Hotaru said entering the room.

“We came to see a girl,” Usagi said loudly which started her and ChibiUsa bickering.

“Yes I came to see a girl,” ChibiUsa replied. “You go see Rei all the time. This is no different.”

Hotaru let out a giggle as Usagi and ChibiUsa continued to argue. They stopped when they heard Hotaru. “Sorry,” both bowed from their seats on the couch.

Hotaru bowed. “I am Tomoe Hotaru. It is a pleasure to meet you,” she said to Usagi. Then Hotaru turned to ChibiUsa, “What time will your mother be back to get you?”

“Mother!” Usagi wailed.

“Odango is not my mother, ChibiUsa insisted crossing her arms.

“Sorry,” Hotaru bowed. “You look so much alike and when I saw you at the park with them I assumed that she and that man were your parents.”

“She is my cousin,” ChibiUsa said.

“Please come to my room,” Hotaru insisted. “We can talk there.”

“Where are you going Hotaru?” Kaolinite stepped in front of the three girls.

“We are going to my room,” Hotaru said.

Kaolinite smiled. “I thought you would like some tea.”

“I told you not to mess with household affairs,” she snatched the try from Kaolinite’s hands as Usagi and ChibiUsa watched stunned at the quiet girl’s outburst. Once they got to Hotaru’s room she apologized. “Kaolinite is my father’s assistant and she thinks that means she has to know what I am doing.”

“Your room is beautiful Hotaru,” ChibiUsa exclaimed as she marveled at all the lamps and the elegance of Hotaru’s room.

Hotaru dropped the tray with a loud crash and collapsed on the floor. “Hotaru,” yelled both Usagi and ChibiUsa.

“What can I do Hotaru?” ChibiUsa asked.

Hotaru could feel some kind of energy coming from Usagi. She reached up and grabbed Usagi’s brooch and Hotaru’s eyes glazed over. “So beautiful,” Hotaru said in a voice that did not sound like her own, “So much power.”

“Hotaru,” ChibiUsa pleaded. “Wake up.” ChibiUsa slightly shook Hotaru causing her to release the brooch and she returned to normal.

“What happened?” Hotaru asked looking at Usagi and ChibiUsa.

“You collapsed when we came in the room,” Usagi told her.

“I do not have any friends because I am too weak to attend school most of the time,” Hotaru explained. “I must have over excited myself since you were come over today ChibiUsa.”

ChibiUsa and Usagi helped Hotaru to her bed. “It is okay,” ChibiUsa said. “I am glad you invited me. Get some rest. We will leave.”

Hotaru grabbed ChibiUsa’s arm as she turned away. “Please come over again.”

ChibiUsa nodded, “Promise.”

                                      *        *        *        *

That night as ChibiUsa and Usagi were in the bath Usagi brought up Hotaru. “Hotaru’s family situation is a little strange.” Usagi said and ChibiUsa opened her mouth but Usagi in a rare moment acted like the future Neo Queen Serenity and held up her hand to silence her future daughter before she spoke. “Hotaru’s family situation is a little strange but Hotaru herself seems like a nice girl.”

ChibiUsa beamed, “You mean….”

Usagi nodded. “I approved. You can be friends with her.”

“Thanks Usagi,” ChibiUsa jumped at her in the tub wrapping her in a hug causing them both to fall in the water and long with their caps causing their hair to get wet.

“You brat!” Usagi said. “Do you know how long it is going to take me to dry this? I will never get to bed,” Usagi wailed while ChibiUsa rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Usagi. The future mother daughter mood effectively ruined.

                                      *        *        *        *

ChibiUsa could not get to Hotaru’s house quick enough. “I hope she is feeling better,” she though rounding the corner and walking along beside the fence in front of Hotaru’s house. ChibiUsa let out a small gasp as she looked at Hotaru house. Even though she had been here before the sheer size of the house still amazed her along with knowing there were probably rooms that even Hotaru had never been in. ChibiUsa hummed as she walked to the door, pushed the doorbell and the rocked on her heels as she waited.
“Yes,” Kaolinite said opening the door.

ChibiUsa made a sour face as she looked at Kaolinite. “Why did she have to answer?” she thought. ChibiUsa sighed and quickly put on a smile. “Is Hotaru home?”

“She is sleeping,” Kaolinite said quickly and shut the door with a smile.

“Why did you say that Kaolinite?” demanded Hotaru. “You knew I was standing here. Who was it?”

“That pink haired girl,” Kaolinite replied walking away.

Hotaru ran out of the house as quick as she could. “ChibiUsa,” she yelled.

ChibiUsa tuned around in time to see Hotaru round the gate surrounding her house and step on to the sidewalk. The two girls smiled at each other for a moment before Hotaru’s eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed. “Hotaru,” ChibiUsa yelled rushing to her friend’s side. ChibiUsa gently shook Hotaru but the dark haired girl did not respond. ChibiUsa dug in her pocked for her communicator. “Usagi,” she said quickly pushing the button.

Usagi’s face quickly popped on the screen. “What?”

“I am at Hotaru’s house. She came running after me and passed out.” ChibiUsa noticed that as she speaking she felt like she could cry.

“Ami and I are close by. We will be right there,” Usagi said and then the screen went blank.

To ChibiUsa the next five minutes seems like an eternity. “I am not strong enough yet to teleport by myself,” ChibiUsa said as soon as she saw Usagi and Ami.

“Moon Power, Make Up!”

“Mercury Power, Make Up!”

“Pink Moon Power, Make Up!”

Sailor Moon picked up Hotaru while Mercury and Chibi Moon joined hands. Then they touched Moon as the three of them closed their eyes and their auras glowed. In a flash the four were gone from the front of the Tomoe residence and just as quick and as silently reappeared near the hospital. The trio quickly de-transformed and ran to the hospital.

Ami was relieved to see her mother so she would not have to look for her or try to make up a story. “Mother,” Ami said quickly running up to her.

“What is wrong Ami?” Dr. Mizuno asked turning from the nurse she had been talking to.

Ami pointed to Usagi who was holding Hotaru. “ChibiUsa’s friend Hotaru collapsed and will not respond.”

Dr. Mizuno motioned for Usagi and ChibiUsa to come with her and Ami. She leaned toward her daughter and whispered. “Is this girl like you and your friends?” Ami shook her head. Dr. Mizuno indicated for Usagi to place Hotaru on the stretcher as a nurse came up to them. “The three of you please wait here. Also Usagi please give us Hotaru’s parents contact information,” the blue haired doctor said as she rushed off with the nurse to take care of Hotaru.

ChibiUsa fidgeted in her seat the whole time. “I know you are worried about Hotaru,” Ami said, “but have faith in my mother. She will take care of Hotaru.”

“Thanks Ami,” ChibiUsa said. After what seemed like an eternity Dr. Mizuno came back to the trio. “How is she?” ChibiUsa jumped up.

Dr. Mizuno smiled and nodded. “Hotaru is fine. She has a weak body and overexerted herself.”

“Can I see her?” ChibiUsa asked eagerly.

“Yes you may ChibiUsa,” Dr. Mizuno said and motioned to a nurse. “Inari will take you to her room.”

“Thank you Dr. Mizuno,” ChibiUsa bowed.

After ChibiUsa left with the nurse Dr. Mizuno turned to Usagi and Ami. “Next time something like this happens you have to be able to contact her parents or guardian,” Dr. Mizuno whispered to the girls. “Or get them to sign a form like your parents did Usagi giving me care of her while she is in this hospital.”

“Yes,” both girls replied. “And thank you,” they bowed.

“Hey Hotaru,” Usagi popped her head in the room. “You ready to go?”

Hotaru nodded. “Thank you everyone,” she said quietly.

“Will you be okay to walk?” Usagi asked as Hotaru began to get out of the bed.

“Yes,” Hotaru insisted.

“Okay but if you feel weak let us know,” Ami told the dark haired girl as they left the hospital.

As Usagi, Ami, ChibiUsa, and Hotaru walked along the sidewalk a car pulled up beside them and honked. The girls stopped and turned to see Haruka.

“Hey Koneko,” Haruka smiled. “You guys want a ride?”

“Thank you,” the group replied getting in the car.

“Where to Kitten,” Haruka asked putting the car in gear.

“We were walking Hotaru back to her house,” Usagi answered.

“Where do you live Hotaru?” asked Haruka.

“Not far from here,” she replied quietly. Haruka nodded as Hotaru told the sandy haired race where her house was.

Taking Hotaru home took the group by the park where a Soap TV Star was being attack by Mimet. ChibiUsa stayed behind a second with Hotaru. “Stay here we will be right back,” she said before running after Usagi, Haruka and Ami.

After a while Hotaru heard what sounded like ChibiUsa scream. “I must try and help her,” thought Hotaru getting out of the card. Hotaru gasped and clutched her chest gripping the side of the car.

“Out of the way,” someone yelled coming toward her fast.

The closer the voice got the more her chest hurt. “Not now,” Hotaru thought. “It hurts,” she gasped.

“Move little girl,” the monster yelled. Seeing Hotaru not move the monster stopped in front of her. “Hey are you okay?”

Hotaru’s aura turned red and her hair began to move as if blown by an unseen wind. When Hotaru looked at the monster running toward her, her eyes glowed the same red as her aura. Her eyes were completely red; there was no iris, white or pupil.

“What are you?” the most screamed as she was paralyzed by Hotaru’s power.

Uranus had caught up with the monster and saw Hotaru’s power. “What is she?” Uranus thought. “That is not Saturn’s aura.”

Hotaru’s eyes went back to normal and her head dropped. Sailor Moon transformed into Super Sailor Moon to defeat the monster. Chibi Moon de-transformed and ran to Hotaru with tears in her eyes. “Hotaru!” ChibiUsa cried. “Are you hurt?”

“ChibiUsa,” Hotaru looked at the pinked haired girl with tears also in her eyes. “Please tell me you did not see what happened.”

“I did,” ChibiUsa replied quietly. “Her eyes really are beautiful,” she thought as she held Hotaru.

Hotaru hung her head. “I am sorry,” she told ChibiUsa before pushing out of her arms and running down the sidewalk.

Uranus de-transformed as she walked back to her car. “I think it would be best if all of you stayed away from Tomoe Hotaru,” Haruka said.

ChibiUsa stood in silence as she watched Hotaru disappear in the distance.

                                      *        *        *        *

“ChibiUsa do you want to ask Hotaru if she wants to go to the planetarium with us,” Usagi asked her future daughter.

“Really,” ChibiUsa smiled.

“Really,” Usagi nodded. “I do not see why you cannot be friends with her.”

Unknown to Usagi and ChibiUsa the Outer Senshi were also going to the planetarium. “There is something in the wind,” Haruka said.

Michiru nodded. “The seas are in turmoil. Something will occur today that will have a great effect on our battle again the coming silence.”

Setsuna said nothing as she stood with her fellow Outer Senshi and watched the crowd.

In the middle of the lecture Mimet showed up and released a Diamon who attacked the speaker. Usagi and the others transformed while ChibiUsa stayed by Hotaru’s side. The Diamon was momentarily stopped by a rose from Tuxedo Kamen while she was trying to steal the speaker’s heart crystal.

“Get rid of the Sailor Brats first,” Mimet ordered.

The Diamon turned toward the Sailor Senshi and attacked but they jumped out of the way putting Hotaru directly in the path of the attack.

“Hotaru,” ChibiUsa yelled.

The aura around Hotaru turned purple as the sigil of Saturn appeared on Hotaru’s brow.

“Saturn,” gasped Uranus.

Hotaru sent a wave of power out destroying the Diamon.

“We must stop Saturn from awakening,” yelled Uranus to her fellow Outer Senshi who nodded in agreement.

“World Shaking!”

“Deep Submerge!”

“Dead Scream!”

The three attacks crisscrossed paths as they sped toward Hotaru before combining into one attack.

“No,” yelled Sailor Moon jumping in front of Hotaru and taking the full blow of the attack saving Hotaru.

“You idiot,” yelled Uranus.

“What have you done?” Neptune said as Hotaru disappeared.

“If Hotaru is Saturn that means she is one of us,” Sailor Moon said.

“If Saturn awakens she will bring the Silence that will end the world,” Uranus yelled at Sailor Moon.

ChibiUsa only stared at the spot where Hotaru had been and whispered her name. “Please be okay.”

                                      *        *        *        *

“Usagi,” ChibiUsa began, “I want to go see Hotaru. After the other day I am worried about her.”

Usagi nodded. “I heard you crying last night,” she thought. “You two are really close huh?” she asked the pink haired girl.

“Yeah,” ChibiUsa replied and blushed.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Usagi asked.

ChibiUsa shook her head and then ran out the door. While she was on her way to Hotaru’s house rain began to pour soaking her to the bone. “I don’t care what they say,” ChibiUsa cried through her tear as she thought about what the Outer Senshi had said about Hotaru being a danger.

Once ChibiUsa reached Hotaru’s house she did not knock but threw open the doors with a loud crash. ChibiUsa was surprised to find the house completely empty and abandoned. “Where are you?” ChibiUsa asked allowed.

Suddenly someone was behind her and it made her jump when the person touched her shoulder. ChibiUsa whirled around the find Setsuna standing behind her. “Small Lady,” she said quietly.

“Don’t,” ChibiUsa yelled stepping away from the Time Guardian. “What have you done with Hotaru?” ChibiUsa demanded.

“I have done nothing little one,” Setsuna replied.

“You know how I feel about Hotaru,” ChibiUsa yelled with renewed tears streaking her face. “You made Hotaru disappear,” ChibiUsa accused her friend.

“I did no such thing Small Lady,” Setsuna told the young princess. “I did come here about Hotaru though. I want to talk to her.” She took a breath, “You understand that Hotaru has the Spirit of Saturn residing in her?”

ChibiUsa nodded. “How does being a Sailor Senshi make her evil? She is one of us, right Puu?”

“Yes little one but the Senshi of Saturn is different than the rest of us,” Setsuna tried to explain. “Like I have a dominion over time Saturn has dominion over death and destruction. With a drop of her Silence Glaive she can bring this world to an end.”

“Hotaru would never do that,” ChibiUsa insisted.

“Did the Queen and King ever tell you about the Silver Millennium?” Setsuna questioned.

“A little,” she replied, “and some in my studies,” she added.

“Do you know how it ended?” asked the green haired woman.

“When Queen Serenity sealed Metallia and her seven shadow warriors inside the Ginzuishou which broke into the Ninjitsu,” ChibiUsa answered with a smile having remembered that from her studies.

“That is only partly correct,” Setsuna said with a heavy heart as the memories came back to her. “After Queen Serenity used her energy to seal Metallia and her seven shadow warriors Uranus, Neptune and I awoke the Senshi of Destruction, Sailor Saturn. She then killed Neptune and Uranus so they could be reborn along with everyone else and I went back to the Time Gates. From the Time Gates I watched her drop the Silence Glaive and ended all life throughout the Silver Kingdom and all the other planets except Earth. Earth was set back many of thousands of years in development and the people there were sent back to their most primitive level.”

“Hotaru helped Uranus and Neptune so they could be reborn here,” ChibiUsa insisted.

“Killing is still killing little one. No matter what the reason,” Setsuna explained. “That is why we must stop her from awakening as Saturn or billions of lives will be like by the Silence she will bring.”

“Killing is killing no matter what the reason,” ChibiUsa yelled throwing back the Time Senshi’s own words at her as she burst into tear and ran from the house back into the pouring rain. “I will not let anyone, even Puu, hurt you Hotaru.”

                                      *        *        *        *

ChibiUsa stood in front of Hotaru’s empty house again. “I will find you Hotaru. I promise.” ChibiUsa took her brooch from her chest as Kaori watched from within the house out of Hotaru’s bedroom window.

“Chibi Moon Power, Make Up!”

“Looks like I have found the prefect pure heart,” Kaori mused and made the front doors open to the house.

“Wah!” screamed Chibi Moon. “I am not scared. I am not scared.” She took a deep breath and ran into the dark house. “I am coming for you Hotaru.” Chibi Moon ran through the house to Hotaru’s bedroom. When she opened the door she saw someone standing by the window. “Hotaru,” Chibi Moon said cautiously.

“No,” the person stepped away from the window. “But I know where she is.”

“Kaori,” gasped Sailor Chibi Moon.

“Hotaru wants to see you very much also,” Kaori told Chibi Moon. “She also wants to make sure you bring your pure heart with you.” Kaori lunged for Chibi Moon but was startled when a rose flew between them.

“Tuxedo Kamen,” Chibi Moon said happily.

“A childhood friendship will not be corrupted by you,” Tuxedo Kamen told Kaori.

“I will have that pure heart crystal,” Kaori said sending a blast toward Chibi Moon which threw her out the window.

“Chibi Moon,” Tuxedo Kamen yelled and jumped out the window.

Sailor Pluto arrived and launched her ‘Dead Scream’ attack at Kaori but she dodged the attack and grabbed Chibi Moon before she disappeared into the sky as Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Pluto stood there helpless.

Kaori reappeared in Prof Tomoe’s lab with an unconscious Sailor Chibi Moon in one arm. “I have the purest heart that is sure to awaken the Messiah of Silence,” Kaori told Prof Tomoe.

“Place her on the table,” Prof Tomoe said with a maniacal laugh. Then he turned to Hotaru who was sitting in an overstuffed chair amidst throws of stuffed animals. “This will be the last pure heart you will need to bring about your awakening.”

“Give it to me,” Hotaru spoke in a raspy voice that was not her own. Hotaru opened her mouth and a pink claw like hand sprung forth. The arm stretched to the table where Sailor Chibi Moon lay.

“Hotaru,” Chibi Moon opened her eyes and smiled when the pink claw like hand grabbed her brooch before she started screaming as her heart crystal was ripped from her body.

Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi along with Neptune and Uranus had entered the lab and Sailor Moon was beating on the barrier only to receive shock after shock. The pink claw like arm retracted back into Hotaru’s throat and she swallowed ChibiUsa’s heart crystal. Hotaru’s body changed into that of an adult woman while her hair lengthened and seemed unending. She now wore a dress with a dark blue top which showed off her breast with a long grey skirt. There were two strands of pearls coming from the center of the chest area of the dress and attached to the straps at her shoulders. Lastly a black five pointed star appeared on her brow.

“That is not Saturn,” yelled Uranus and Neptune.

“I am Mistress Nine, the Messiah of Silence,” she told the Sailor Senshi as the barrier shielding her broke and Sailor Moon ran to ChibiUsa cradling her in her arms.

“ChibiUsa,” Sailor Moon cried feeling her life force growing weaker. “Hang on ChibiUsa,” she cried. “We will save you my daughter,” Sailor Moon said to her as she and the others ran from Professor Tomoe’s lab.

                                      *        *        *        *

Mamoru looked at his future daughter which he was sustaining through the power of the Golden Crystal. “Hold on Small Lady,” he said as his voice shook.

                                      *        *        *        *
Sailor Moon fought hard again Mistress Nine but to no avail. “Sailor Moon,” she heard Hotaru’s voice call to her. “Give her the grail and I will have the power to defeat her.” Sailor Moon closed her eyes calling forth the Holy Grail and gave it to Mistress Nine.

“You fool,” Mistress Nine laughed. “Now I have the power to call forth Master Pharaoh 90. She threw the Holy Grail into a chamber which denigrated the Grail and opened a portal in which Pharaoh 90 could enter.

“You idiot,” Uranus cried, “You have doomed us all.”

“Hotaru,” Professor Tomoe said crawling toward Mistress Nine. “I am sorry for everything.”

“Pathetic,” she spat kicking him away from her.

“Hotaru,” he gasped and collapsed.

Hotaru had already been pushed back by Mistress Nine once but seeing her father in pain was too much for her. Images of her mother and father flashed in Mistress Nine’s mind along with images of Usagi and the Senshi. The final image was that of ChibiUsa. Mistress Nine clutched the side of her head and screamed as the black give point star on her brow cracked to reveal the symbol of Saturn. In a flash of light Mistress Nine disappeared to be replaced by a girl who looked like Hotaru in a Sailor fuku. She quickly disappeared.

                                      *        *        *        *
A ghostly form of Saturn reappeared in front of Mamoru in his apartment. “Hotaru?” Mamoru asked.
She nodded but did not say a word. Saturn unfolded her hands from her check to reveal a heart crystal. The heart crystal floated toward ChibiUsa and was absorbed into her body. The color came back to ChibiUsa and she stirred opened her eyes.

“Hotaru,” ChibiUsa smiled. “You are safe.”

“Be well,” Saturn told her young friend. “We will see each other again.” Then she disappeared from Chiba Mamoru’s apartment.

                                      *        *        *        *

“Saturn,” Neptune gasped as Saturn landed on the broken ground in front of Sailor Moon and the Silence Glaive appeared in her hand.

“I must go defeat Pharaoh 90,” Saturn told Sailor Moon.

“I will help you,” Sailor Moon said.

Saturn pointed her Silence Glaive at Sailor Moon. “No,” she shook her head. “You might have helped as Super Sailor Moon but the Holy Grail is gone and you have no way to transform to a higher level.” Saturn then did a back flip and disappeared within the heart of Pharaoh 90.

After many failed attempts and punching the ground with her fist Sailor Moon finally was able to transform into Super Sailor Moon with the help of the other Senshi lending her their power. Super Sailor Moon followed Saturn into the heart of battle determined to save her fellow Senshi’s life even at the cost of her own life.

                                      *        *        *        *

After the battle was over the Senshi were picking themselves out of the rubble, a beaten and battered Super Sailor Moon appeared from a trail of shimmering butterflies holding a baby.

“Hotaru,” asked Neptune stumbling toward Super Sailor Moon.

Super Sailor Moon nodded. “We will take her,” Uranus said taking the baby from her and then the two Outer Senshi disappeared and Super Sailor Moon collapsed to the ground.

                                      *        *        *        *
ChibiUsa was in the park riding her bike with her friends, Momoko and Keiyosui when the wind blew her hat away. “Not again,” she groaned then gave a sad smile as it made her think of her first meeting with Hotaru. ChibiUsa got off her bike and ran up the hill after her fat where she was met with a ghostly image of Sailor Pluto holding her Time Staff. “Puu,” she yelled happily.

“Hello Small Lady,” Pluto replied.

“Will Hotaru really come back?” ChibiUsa asked. Pluto nodded. “Will I have to wait long?”

“You will see Hotaru sooner than you think,” Pluto told her before disappearing.

The wind blew her hat from her hands and landed on the sidewalk below in front of a man in a wheelchair. “Is this yours little lady?” the man asked.

“Yes. Thank you,” ChibiUsa said and bowed to the man as she took her hat back. “What a beautiful baby. What is her name?”

“Hotaru, the man replied.

“Hotaru,” ChibiUsa repeated with a smile.

Hotaru opened her big purple eyes and smiled when she saw ChibiUsa and stretched her tiny arms toward the pink haired girl. “ChibiUsa,” thought baby Hotaru.

“Looks like she likes you,” Hotaru’s father said.

“It is time to go Prof Tomoe,” a woman said coming up to him.

“Thank you again for catching my hat,” ChibiUsa told him again with a bow before running off. Then she turned around and waved. “Bye Hotaru,” ChibiUsa yelled and she heard baby Hotaru laugh. “I am glad you are okay Hotaru,” ChibiUsa thought.

                                      *        *        *        *
When I started writing ChibiUsa’s dream the monsters from the fanfic Sailor Moon 4200 popped in my head but I left it ambiguous for the reader to see the kind of monsters they wanted to see.

Jul 2009: The part of Saturn transforming and running to Usagi’s room were added to the Crystal Tokyo section and Usagi’s talk with her guardians the Asteroid Senshi was extended along with a few other minor pieces here and there. The sections dealing with the S arc of the fic in the Sailor Moon timeline were also added.

Apr 2016: Wrote the Stars part in May 2015 but apparently I never added to the story. Writer FAIL! Done now.
Though apparently that makes the file too big so I am now having to divide it up into so pieces.

I started writing this in Dec 2008 for Hapless and finished in May 2009. Added more in Jul 2009.
Sailor Moon © Naoko Takeuchi
© 2009 - 2024 DavisJes
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Angel-Sweetheart's avatar
Usagi could’ve said she is really sorry to Haruka and Michiru for protecting Hotaru, but if they win the fight, they said she deserved to die, meaning that they’ll kill her. 😢